UNIDO Global Call 2023 on Clean and Smart Energy for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development: APPLY NOW!
UNIDO Global Call 2023 on Clean and Smart Energy for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
The world is currently facing a severe energy crisis, with an estimated annual growth of about 0.8% in global energy demand until 2030. The share of fossil fuels in the global energy mix is expected to decrease from the current 80% to 75% by 2030, and further decline to 60% by 2050. By 2030, clean energy electricity supply must double to limit global temperature rise. Otherwise, the impacts of climate change could jeopardize global energy security and even threaten the supply of renewable energy. Therefore, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization’s “Industrial Development Report 2022” proposes the need to foster a green transition, scale investments in energy switching and circular economy, and facilitate global access to green technologies.
The UNIDO Global Call on Clean and Smart Energy for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development was launched in 2020 for the first time by the UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Office (ITPO) in Rome, Italy. Since its inception, the torch has been passed to ITPO Bonn in 2021, and Shanghai in 2022. Over the 3 years, more than 2,000 participants from 108 countries took part in the initiative.
The Global Call 2023, initiated by UNIDO ITPO Beijing, together with the Division of ITPOs and Institutional Partnerships and other related divisions in UNIDO, is set to gather innovative solutions in clean and smart energy that contribute to Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development.
UNIDO Global Call Strategic Categories
Green Hydrogen
• Green hydrogen production (including “super green” hydrogen production)
• Green hydrogen in manufacturing
• Green hydrogen in transportation
• Green hydrogen storage and integration into energy networks
Energy Efficiency
• Digital solutions for energy efficiency
• Secure and efficient energy network (including decentralized energy systems)
• Energy efficiency improvement in industry, construction, and homes
• Industrial design and commercialization of energy efficient products
Clean Energy Innovation
• Renewable energy development and application
• Fuel cell innovation
• Clean energy storage, transportation, and load shifting
• Climate resilience of energy systems
Why apply for the UNIDO Global Call
• Join roadshows and present in front of leading industry experts
• Matchmaking with investment institutions, industrial parks and local governments
• Get targeted coaching, global matchmaking and networking support
• Access to UNIDO and UN technology platforms and networks
• Showcase at global high-level events including the China International Import Expo in November in Shanghai and other exhibitions highlighting green hydrogen and sustainable energy solutions
Who can apply for the UNIDO Global Call
• Multinational corporations
• Small and medium-sized enterprises
• Start-ups
• Technology innovation labs
UNIDO Global Call Target Groups
The call for proposals targets private sector entities to submit proposals for each category according to the following sub-categories:
• Technological solutions in the early stage: These are technologies that are at an advanced stage of research and development and ready for implementation, with verified data from testing.
• Technological solutions in the growth stage: These solutions have already been piloted with verified data at a replicable scale and have demonstrated proof of concept (POC).
• Mature technological solutions: These are established technologies on the market that are aiming to expand to new markets.
Candidates may submit up to two applications, and any extra proposals will be excluded based on the order in which they are received.
UNIDO Global Call Criteria
• Innovative content, competitive advantage and technology maturity of the proposal 【30%】
• Contribution to international climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts and environmental sustainability【25%】
• Proven applicability, scalability and possibility of expansion to different geographical and socio-economic contexts, especially in Developing and Emerging Countries【20%】
• Economic and social long-term sustainability【15%】
• Expected occupational return (job creation especially for women and youth, as well as income generation potential)【10%】
Invited Experts
How to apply for the UNIDO Global Call
Considering the enthusiastic registration, the submission deadline for Global Call 2023 will be extended to 20th August.
We look forward to working together with you and UNIDO to promote Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development (ISID) and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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