
Ghent University is Recruiting for 3 PhD Researchers: Apply Now!

Application Deadline: 15 August 2024

Ghent University is Recruiting for 3 PhD Researchers: Apply Now!

Job description

The History Department at Ghent University is recruiting 3 PhD researchers for the ERC Starting Grant Project ‘VIOLENCE WORK’ Creating and contesting colonial authority on the ground in Central Africa through everyday violence, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Gillian MATHYS.

PhD students will be expected to combine ethnographic and oral history research with analysis of a wide array of archival sources, drawing on research in African history, colonial history, anthropology, police studies, post-colonial studies etc.


  • You will complete a PhD-thesis developing a micro-history of one locality in rural Rwanda, Burundi or Congo under the supervision of the Principal Investigator (specific location to be decided in collaboration with the PI and other team members). It is possible that this PhD will take a specific thematic focus along the way, and you will be encouraged to bring your own input to the table in developing the research questions within the context of the project. It is probable that additional co-supervisors will be involved for each of the PhDs.
  • You will contribute to the outputs of VIOLENCEWORK, most notably by (co-)authoring publications; co-organizing workshops, conferences and lecture series; presenting your results at international workshops and conferences; and contributing to the project’s website and social media accounts. You will assist the team with administratve and organizational support.
  • You will actively contribute to the activities of the research group Economies, Comparisons, Connections (ECC) and of the History Department at UGent in general.
  • You will, where appropriate, share research data and collaborate with other team members through the shared database.

Job profile

  • You hold an MA degree in History, African Studies, Anthropology or a closely related field (to be completed by the start date of the position).
  • You are highly motivated to work on your case study as an early career researcher and to be an active member of an international research team.
  • Ideally, you are already acquainted with colonial history and/or the history of sub-Saharan Africa (not necessarily with the areas covered by your respective case study) and have relevant research experience in doing ethnographic research/oral history research and/or archival research
  • You are capable of producing high-quality writen work in English and/or French.
  • You have excellent reading skills in English and French
  • You have very good communication skills
  • You are fluent or have an excellent working knowledge in at least one of the following languages: Kirundi, Kinyarwanda, Swahili, Lingala
  • You are willing to do part of your research in the respective African countries of your case study.
  • For the case studies on Rwanda and Burundi, knowledge of German is an advantage, but not a requirement.

How to apply

Submit your application until August 15, 2024, 23h59 CET to gillian.mathys@UGent.be. Please put ‘VIOLENCEWORK’ + ‘PhD’ + the country of your case study (e.g. ‘VIOLENCEWORK PhD Burundi) in the title of your e-mail. The University cannot accept applications sent late, sent incomplete, or sent to another email address.
Your application must include the following documents in a single PDF (not larger than 6 MB):

  • A letter of motivation in which you state your interest in the position and how you fit the criteria.
  • A CV that also includes the name, position, institution and email address of 2 referees, who may be contacted for recommendation.
  • A copy of your MA degree, if already held.
  • In case you hold a foreign degree in a language other than Dutch, French, German or English, please add a translation in one of these languages.
  • A copy of your MA thesis. If the thesis is not yet complete, please submit a part of it (at least an abstract, the introduction and a full chapter) or another substantial piece of academic writing (such as BA thesis, MA research paper, publication, etc.).
    If your MA degree is not yet in hand, please submit your BA degree and evidence of the imminent completion of your MA on the start of your contract (such as an atestation by your supervisor).

For questions about this vacancy, please contact Prof. Gillian Mathys: gillian.mathys@UGent.be.


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