Exciting Home based International Editor vacancy at UNIDO: APPLY NOW!

Title: Home based International Editor
Grade: ISA-Specialist
Country: Home Based
Duty Station: Home Based
Category: International Consultant
Type of Job Posting: Internal and External
Application Deadline: 2-Nov-2023, 11:59 PM (CEST)
Homebased International Editor Vacancy Announcement
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The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability. Accordingly, the Organization’s programmatic focus is structured in four strategic priorities: Creating shared prosperity; Advancing economic competitiveness; Safeguarding the environment; and Strengthening knowledge and institutions.
The Directorate of SDG Innovation and Economic Transformation (IET), headed by a Managing Director, is responsible for the development of innovative UNIDO services in the areas of agro-industry and agribusiness, sustainability standards and fair production, and climate-relevant or climate-improving technologies.
The Directorate houses the Divisions of Coordination and Integration Support (IET/CIS), Quality, Impact and Accountability (IET/QUA), Agribusiness and Infrastructure Development (IET/AGR), Innovative Finance and International Financial Institutions (IET/IFI), Fair Production, Sustainability Standards and Trade (IET/PST), Public-Private Partnerships (IET/PPP), and Climate and Technology Partnerships (IET/CTP).
The Division of Fair Production, Sustainability Standards and Trade (IET/PST) develops and implements an innovative service package in response to UNIDO’s mandate for fair and responsible local industrial production and trade, with a particular focus on building the required skills and capacities, and fosters a conducive business operating environment to ensure that such production and trade are as inclusive as possible, promoting – among others – the development of human capital through vocational training and industrial skills development..
The Sustainability Standards and Responsible Business Unit (IET/PST/SSB) fosters the uptake of sustainability standards in Member States across local, regional and global value supply chains. To this end, it induces responsible investments into sustainable value chains working with multinational corporation (MNC) networks and other platforms such as the UNGC, UNPRI and others to advance socially-minded, gender-responsive and responsible business.
The Unit supports Member States in establishing robust empirical systems and norms at the country and regional level to monitor the contribution of value chains to economic, social and environmental sustainability standards and advances cooperation between firms, institutions and policy actors to advance required reforms.
The Unit also supports the transition of public and private procurement and consumption patterns to become greener and more socially balanced and incentivizes supply chains to become investment ready.
The position is located under Sustainability Standards and Responsible Business Unit (IET/PST/SSB)
Preparation of a conceptual feasibility study for an industrial and innovation park at Ibigwe field in Imo State, Nigeria (SAP ID 200185)
The purpose of this project is to support Waltersmith Petroman Oil Ltd (Waltersmith) with the development of an industrial park at Ibigwe field in Imo State of Nigeria, which will serve to create a value chain for petroleum in Nigeria, a country known for exporting most of its crude oil and importing downstream products for the domestic market.
Waltersmith has launched the expansion of the refinery and targets a processing capacity of 50,000 b/p of refined oil products, i.e. kerosene, diesel, petrol and jet fuel, which will pave way for other petrochemical industries to establish at the proposed industrial park.
The park will also include a gas power plant that will provide reliable and affordable power to the park, which in itself will be an attraction for future tenants. The 65 ha is phase 1 of the industrial park and Waltersmith plans the acquisition of an additional 300-500 ha of land that could accommodate more companies and industries.
To execute the prefeasibility study UNIDO and Waltersmith deployed both social and experimental study methods to relevant economic, environmental and social data. A combination of desktop research, field interview sessions, consultations, focus group discussions (FGD), stakeholders’ workshops and administration of questionnaires were used to elicit stakeholders’ perspectives, concerns and expectations, as well as identify key factors likely to attract industries to co-locate, locate and or relocate to the proposed park when developed.
Similarly, areas of interest and thematic feature datasets were collected and analyzed. Data analyzed, as and where appropriate, using both descriptive and inferential statistics.
Subsequent to the Prefeasiblity Study, UNIDO will conduct a Feasibility Study on the construction of the proposed industrial park at the project site at Ibigwe Field, inclusive of economic, social and environmental imperatives. The Feasibility Study will consist of a number of diverse elements/deliverables, including a market demand component; a social and environmental report; a legal and regulatory analysis; site evaluation and a master plan; a financial and economic impact analysis inter alia.
Preparing such a study will necessitate the convening of a specialist project team of experts and the coordination of various said deliverables. Inter alia these inputs will form the basis for the finalized Feasibility Report, which will provide advice to Waltersmith on potential costings and future challenges related to this development.
Project 200185
The International Editor (Specialist-level) will work under the overall technical guidance of and formal reporting to the recruiting Project Manager.
The International Editor will also work closely with the Senior International Industrial Parks Specialist, whose main task at this phase of the Project will be to provide the structure of the Feasibility Study as the guiding document to capture and organize the various inputs he receives from the local domain experts on areas, inter alia, related to stakeholder mapping and analysis, market /industry assessment, comparative and competitive site assessments and a competitive positioning, rationale and value proposition analysis.
The International Editor’s (Specialist-level) main duties include the following:
Activities | Concrete measurable outputs to be achieved | Duration in days | Location |
Finalize the template for the Feasibility Study and start organizing the content as it has hitherto been populated from the inputs of local domain experts. Review and “sanitize” current Report draft for improved readability, clarity, storyline. | Feasibility study report structure is finalized and current content is aligned with and re-shuffled as per existing (sub-) chapter structure | 8 | Home based |
Integrate incoming technical written elements, following the approval/review of the Senior Industrial Parks Specialist, into the FS Report structure; provide editing and proofreading support on this content. | Technical elements from domain experts are integrated, on the go, into the FS Report template | 10 | |
Constantly review the FS Report for duplications or redundancies and start integrating cross-references. Also identify any contradictory Report statements, findings or conclusions for the Project Management team. | FS is gradually built up with ongoing editorial and proofreading support | 5 | |
Participate, as required, in regular calls with the Leaders’ Group and Project Management Unit, provide weekly updates | Attend the relevant calls and provide inputs and request/clarify any information provided, seek inputs for FS document editing and finalization | 2 | |
Total: | 25 DAYS |
The International Editor (Specialist-level) is expected to prepare a brief final report of their activities at the end of the assignment.
Education: Advanced university degree (Master’s or equivalent) in journalism, communication or another relevant discipline is required.
Technical and Functional Experience:
- At least 7 years of experience in editing, press and public information work, sound knowledge of development issues and of the Organization is required.
- Specific experience in drafting/editing Feasibility Studies would be considered an important asset;
- Specific experience in the area of industrial park development, planning and performance evaluation would be an asset;
- Experience in developing countries, specifically in Nigeria would be an asset;
- Proven Intercultural skills
Languages: Excellent English language skills, in writing and speaking, is a requirement.
International Editor Core values:
1. WE LIVE AND ACT WITH INTEGRITY: work honestly, openly and impartially.
2. WE SHOW PROFESSIONALISM: work hard and competently in a committed and responsible manner.
3. WE RESPECT DIVERSITY: work together effectively, respectfully and inclusively, regardless of our differences in culture and perspective.
International Editor Core competencies:
1. WE FOCUS ON PEOPLE: cooperate to fully reach our potential –and this is true for our colleagues as well as our clients. Emotional intelligence and receptiveness are vital parts of our UNIDO identity.
2. WE FOCUS ON RESULTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: focus on planning, organizing and managing our work effectively and efficiently. We are responsible and accountable for achieving our results and meeting our performance standards. This accountability does not end with our colleagues and supervisors, but we also owe it to those we serve and who have trusted us to contribute to a better, safer and healthier world.
3. WE COMMUNICATE AND EARN TRUST: communicate effectively with one another and build an environment of trust where we can all excel in our work.
4. WE THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX AND INNOVATE: To stay relevant, we continuously improve, support innovation, share our knowledge and skills, and learn from one another.
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